/** * */ package com.asksven.android.common.utils; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import com.asksven.android.common.RootShell; /** * @author sven * */ public class SystemAppInstaller { static final String TAG = "SystemAppInstaller"; static final String SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 = "/system/priv-app"; static final String SYSTEM_DIR = "/system/app"; static final String REMOUNT_SYSTEM_RW = "mount -o rw,remount /system"; static final String REMOUNT_SYSTEM_RO = "mount -o ro,remount /system"; // returns ro or rw // static final String CHECK_MOUNT_STATE = "mount | grep /system | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F\",\" '{print $1}'"; static final String CHECK_MOUNT_STATE = "mount | grep /system"; public static boolean mountSystemRw() { if (isSystemRw()) return true; Log.i(TAG, "Remount system rw"); RootShell.getInstance().run(REMOUNT_SYSTEM_RW); return isSystemRw(); } public static boolean mountSystemRo() { if (!isSystemRw()) return true; Log.i(TAG, "Remount system ro"); RootShell.getInstance().run(REMOUNT_SYSTEM_RO); return !isSystemRw(); } public static boolean isSystemRw() { boolean ret = false; Log.i(TAG, "Checking if system is mounted rw"); List<String> res = RootShell.getInstance().run(CHECK_MOUNT_STATE); if (res.size() > 0) { String[] tokens = res.get(0).split(" |,"); String mountState = tokens[3]; Log.i(TAG, "Mount status: " + mountState); ret = (mountState.equals("rw")); } return ret; } public static boolean isSystemApp(String apk) { boolean ret = false; List<String> res; String command = ""; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { command = "ls " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + apk; } else { command = "ls " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + apk; } Log.i(TAG, "Checking if " + apk + " is a system app"); res = RootShell.getInstance().run(command); if (res.size() > 0) { Log.i(TAG, "Command returned "+ res.get(0)); ret = !res.get(0).contains("No such file or directory"); } return ret; } // static boolean installAsSystemApp(Context ctx, String apk) // { // String command = ""; // String commandCopyBack = ""; // String commandTouch = ""; // // // get the original filename // command = "ls /data/app/" + apk + "*"; // List<String> res = RootShell.getInstance().run(command); // // // we copy all the instances of the file to /system (preserving timestamp) // // at that point the APK will get deleted from /data/app (by the system) // // so we need to copy the APK back to /data/app (with a new timestamp) // for (int i=0; i < res.size(); i++) // { // String fileName = res.get(0).split("/")[3]; // // remove the -1 from filename to make sure the target filename is different // // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) // { // commandTouch = "touch -t 20080801 " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + fileName; // command = "cp -p /data/app/" + fileName + " " +SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 // + " && chmod 644 " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + fileName // + " && chown root:root " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + fileName; // commandCopyBack = "cp " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + fileName + " /data/app/" // + " && chmod 644 /data/app/" + fileName // + " && chown system:system /data/app/" + fileName; // } // else // { // commandTouch = "touch -t 20080801 " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + fileName; // command = "cp -p /data/app/" + fileName + " " + SYSTEM_DIR // + " && chmod 644 " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + fileName // + " && chown root:root " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + fileName; // commandCopyBack = "cp " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + fileName + " /data/app/" // + " && chmod 644 /data/app/" + fileName // + " && chown system:systems /data/app/" + fileName; // } // // // Log.i(TAG, "Installing app as system app: " + command); // RootShell.getInstance().run(command); // // Log.i(TAG, "Copy APK back to /data/app: " + commandCopyBack); // RootShell.getInstance().run(commandCopyBack); // // Log.i(TAG, "Changing timestamp: " + commandTouch); // RootShell.getInstance().run(commandTouch); // // } // return isSystemApp(apk); // } static boolean installAsSystemApp(Context ctx, String apk) { String command = ""; String tempPath = "/sdcard/"; // actions: // copy apk from /sdcard to /system in order to be able to set ownership and perms // then copy the file to the target. The sequence is important as copying first and setting perms and ownership // afterward will cause PackageParser to fail parsing the package if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { command = "cp " + tempPath + apk + " /system" + " && chmod 644 " + "/system/" + apk + " && chown root:root /system/" + apk + " && cp -p /system/" + apk + " " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + " && rm " + tempPath + apk + " && rm /system/" + apk; } else { command = "cp " + tempPath + apk + " /system" + " && chmod 644 " + "/system/" + apk + " && chown root:root /system/" + apk + " && cp -p /system/" + apk + " " + SYSTEM_DIR + " && rm " + tempPath + apk + " && rm /system/" + apk; } copyAsset(ctx, apk, tempPath); Log.i(TAG, "Copying, setting permissions and owner and cleaning up: " + command); RootShell.getInstance().run(command); return isSystemApp(apk); } static boolean uninstallAsSystemApp(String apk) { String command = ""; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { command = "rm " + SYSTEM_DIR_4_4 + "/" + apk + "*"; } else { command = "rm " + SYSTEM_DIR + "/" + apk + "*"; } Log.i(TAG, "Uninstalling system app: " + command); RootShell.getInstance().run(command); return !isSystemApp(apk); } public static Status install(Context ctx, String apk) { Status status = new Status(); SystemAppInstaller.mountSystemRw(); if (SystemAppInstaller.isSystemRw()) { status.add("Mounted system rw"); SystemAppInstaller.installAsSystemApp(ctx, apk); status.add("Install as system app"); if (SystemAppInstaller.isSystemApp(apk)) { SystemAppInstaller.mountSystemRo(); if (!SystemAppInstaller.isSystemRw()) { status.add("Mounted system ro. Finished"); } else { status.add("An error while remounting system to ro. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } } else { status.add("An error while installing app. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } } else { status.add("An error occured mounting system rw. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } return status; } private static void copyAsset(Context ctx, String assetName, String targetPath) { AssetManager assetManager = ctx.getAssets(); String[] files = null; try { files = assetManager.list(""); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("tag", e.getMessage()); } for(String filename : files) { if (filename.equals(assetName)) { InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = assetManager.open(filename); String strOutFile = targetPath + "/" + filename; out = new FileOutputStream(strOutFile); copyFile(in, out); in.close(); in = null; out.flush(); out.close(); out = null; } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "An error occured while reading " + filename); } } } } /** * Write a single file * @param in the source (in assets) * @param out the target * @throws IOException */ private static void copyFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read; while((read = in.read(buffer)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, read); } } /** * Value holder for status * @param apk * @return */ public static Status uninstall(String apk) { Status status = new Status(); SystemAppInstaller.mountSystemRw(); if (SystemAppInstaller.isSystemRw()) { status.add("Mounted system rw"); SystemAppInstaller.uninstallAsSystemApp(apk); status.add("Uninstall as system app"); if (!SystemAppInstaller.isSystemApp(apk)) { SystemAppInstaller.mountSystemRo(); if (!SystemAppInstaller.isSystemRw()) { status.add("Mounted system ro. Finished"); } else { status.add("An error while remounting system to ro. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } } else { status.add("An error while uninstalling app. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } } else { status.add("An error occured mounting system rw. Aborted"); status.m_success = false; } return status; } public static class Status { List<String> m_status = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean m_success = true; void add(String text) { Log.i(TAG, "Status: " + text); m_status.add(text); } public boolean success() { return m_success; } public boolean getSuccess() { return m_success; } public String toString() { String ret = ""; for (int i=0; i < m_status.size(); i++) { ret += m_status.get(i) + "\n"; } return ret; } } }更多工具请看:AndroidCommon